Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Simple little tools are so often the best tools! Alphabetimals is a great way to get kids to read! It makes it fun for you and your students! There are free resources that you can download. I am thinking I need an Ed Tech t-shirt!

Love affair with Learner Response Systems

It is no secret that I am a huge fan of learner response systems. The more I see Promethean's ActivExpression2s the happier I become! They are amazing! Where to begin!?

I love the QWERTY keyboard. Do not misunderstand me the old school form of texting still get the job done on my eInstruction clickers as well as my ActivExpression clickers but oh how I do love to be spoiled by the little things like a QWERTY keyboard.

The screen is backlit! Genius I tell you. It is like the designers of this product have heard me griping in a teacher's classroom about how I wanted to turn the lights of to better show what was being projected but could not becuase the kids could not read their clickers.

The software has not changes greatly which I consider a plus for me so that I do not have to go retrain all the teachers in my district.

I do not know what the battery life is like yet but will report on that after the clickers we have have been heavily used for at least one year.

Now for the Piece de resistance:

During the self-paced assessment the test questions show on the clicker and you can scroll to the answers!!!!

Sigh. It makes me happy.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Mirror Image of Text in Word 2010 Part 2

I love Microsoft Word 2010. I do have one issue. I can flip an image horizontally but I cannot do the same thing to the text. Well I can but it is not done in a very direct way.

I ran into some parents at one of my campuses who wanted to create cute shirts for the kids to celebrate the First Hundred Days of School. They wanted to keep it simple due to time constraints so they were going to use iron-ons. They were running into issues getting the text to mirror image the text in Word. I showed them how to do so in Word which is a rather involved process.

So I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to create a handout with step by step instructions and screen shots!

Mirror Image of Text in Word 2010 Part 1

I love Microsoft Word 2010. I do have one issue. I can flip an image horizontally but I cannot do the same thing to the text. Well I can but it is not done in a very direct way.

I ran into some parents at one of my campuses who wanted to create cute shirts for the kids to celebrate the First Hundred Days of School. They wanted to keep it simple due to time constraints so they were going to use iron-ons. They were running into issues getting the text to mirror image the text in Word. I showed them how to do so in Word which is a rather involved process.

So I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to create a handout with step by step instructions and screen shots!