Thursday, July 28, 2011


I have found another tool that I am in love with! I am a post-it junkie. I am not ashamed of this addiction! When I was going over math problems with my students I liked to work problems with them on post-its, and the brighter the color the better of course. With PrimaryWall you can create lessons without having to use any real post-its! I also love that if a student is absent they can still participate by going to the wall you created and then contributing to the lesson.

I pulled the following lesson suggestions from PrimaryWall's website:

  • Tell me something you have learned in this lesson.
  • Phonics-Write down a word with the /ai/ sound in. You'll probably get
  • some alternatives like /ay/ which you can then get the children to sort into groups.
  • Write down the opening sentence to your story.
  • Write as many adjectives as you can.
  • List different ways to make 20.
  • Write down different animals and then sort into groups.
  • Write down one living and one non-living thing and then once everybody
  • has done that you can sort into groups of living/non-living things.
  • Write down a question for discussion on a note. One can then then be chosen for
  • debate.

    Monday, July 25, 2011

    Too Much 007

    Okay so maybe I watched one too many spy movies as a kid, but I have a new gadget. I am in love with it. I have always been nuts about the whole "this message will self-destruct" thing and now they have a web 2.0 tool for it!!!!!

    This would have been so fun to use in my classroom, and a great way to see if the kids are really paying attention.

    self-destructable text notes

    Now go get your spy on!