Friday, August 5, 2011

Parents with Technology

I have always loved technology but I do not think, if truth be told, I appreciated technology until I had a baby. This is coming from someone who did every single class online for their MBA. The reason being that my love for technology has grown since having a child is that my husband and I would never have made it through the first six weeks of our kid’s life without technology. (Don’t get me wrong I know we would have made it, but seriously how did parents do it before?)

At 3 in the morning when I couldn’t get her to stop crying and my husband would be google-ing to see if there was something we could do. That is how we learned about the 5 S’s. It was just nice to know we were not alone, and that Kass was all about being swaddled. YouTube is where we watched the videos to learn how to swaddle her nice and tight.

I thought I was going to kill the music box that came with Kass’s chicco bassinet as I was so sick of the few nursery songs it came with. I went to the internet and discovered that there was a GENIUS out there who took various popular songs and turned them into lullabies. My personal favorite being Queen’s Under Pressure .There is also Nirvana, Journey, Kanye West, the Beatles, etc. Go to YouTube and check them out!

It made me so happy to know that I was not the only one who could not remember all the words to “Hush, Little Baby.” I would get to the diamond ring and start humming.

Hush, little baby, don't say a word, Papa's gonna buy you a mockingbird.

And if that mockingbird don't sing, Papa's gonna buy you a diamond ring.

And if that diamond ring turn brass, Papa's gonna buy you a looking glass.

And if that looking glass gets broke, Papa's gonna buy you a billy goat.

And if that billy goat don't pull, Papa's gonna buy you a cart and bull.

And if that cart and bull turn over, Papa's gonna buy you a dog named Rover.

And if that dog named Rover won't bark. Papa's gonna to buy you a horse and cart.

And if that horse and cart fall down, Well you'll still be the sweetest little baby in town.

- Thank you Google.

When I want to update my friends and family on the baby all I have to do is post it on Facebook. My brother who lives in Singapore gets to see videos of Kass, and is able to watch her growing up from almost 10,000 miles away. I have also found some great blogs out there of parents who are blogging as a way to create a journal to give to their children, as well as keeping family update. One that has had me rolling with laughter is The Meanest Mom . I just adore her.

I guess the thing I love more than anything else is the SD card. My generation is so spoiled. I get to take a MILLION photos of my baby. I don’t have to worry about developing the film and getting prints of them. It is awesome. Better yet I can get backups of backups. So the picture I have up here of her yawning - well that ain’t going anywhere. No matter what she thinks of it when she gets older.

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