Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Our Universe Visualized

I find that YouTube is allowing me to be a lifelong learner! I am in love with a particular YouTube channel called Our Universe Visualized! I am a firm believer in visuals for efficient learning and this site is PERFECT for that! You can tell me all day what something looked like but a 4 minute video that shows it will have a much greater impact for me.

From YouTube:

About Our Universe Visualized

A compilation from numerous sources of science visualizations, animations and videos related to astronomy, physics, meteorology and climate change. All sources are cited at the bottom of each video's text description.

Here is a link to a video about the 1906 San Fransico Earthquake. From their site:

To better understand the distribution of shaking and damage that accompanied the great 1906 earthquake, seismologists have constructed new computer models to recreate the ground motions. The simulations show how ground moved on the two sides of the San Andreas fault and how seismic waves radiated away from the fault to produce the shaking. The earthquake, which began 2 miles offshore from the City of San Francisco, ultimately grew to cause shaking and damage along more than 300 miles of the San Andreas Fault. This movie portrays the shaking over a 155 mile by 70 mile area covering the San Francisco Bay region.

credit: Amit Chourasia, Steve Cutchin, Mike Rossmassler / Brad Aagaard, USGS

source: http://www.sdsc.edu/us/visservices/projects/sfquake/

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